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Retro Game of the Week suggestions/feedback thread
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TOPIC: Retro Game of the Week suggestions/feedback thread

Retro Game of the Week suggestions/feedback thread 13 years, 10 months ago #1150

This is the place to recommend games for the Retro Game of the Week feature or to make suggestions/give feedback on the format and content.

I'll be updating this first post here with a list of suggested games as the suggestions come in -- that way we have a repository for contributors to draw ideas, and for would-be contributors to see something that might tip them over to the writing side.

Also check here for a list of all RGotW articles.

Games suggested so far:
(people volunteering can choose any game to write about - it doesn't have to be one of these)

Gargoyle's Quest - Game Boy (suggested by Mungo) In progress
Battle of Olympus - NES (suggested by Mungo)
Metal Gear series - MSX2, NES, others (suggested by dickmedd) done on July 19
Joust - various (suggested by jack59splat59)
X-Plane 1.0 - Mac, (others?) (suggested by finkmac)
Sanitarium - PC/Windows (suggested by WatchSmart)
King's Quest series - various (suggested by jetboy)
Moonstone - Amiga, DOS (suggested by jetboy)
Barbarian 2 - Amiga, Atari ST (suggested by jetboy)
Defender of the Crown - various (suggested by jetboy)
Giana Sisters - Amiga, Amstrad CPC, Atari ST, C64 (suggested by jetboy)
New Zealand Story - various (suggested by jetboy)
Phantasie III - Amiga, Apple II, C64, DOS, Atari ST (suggested by jetboy) done on July 26
Pirates - various (suggested by jetboy)
Zool - various (suggested by jetboy)
Zany Golf - Amiga, Apple IIgs, Atari ST, Genesis, DOS (suggested by jetboy)
Borrowed Time - various (suggested by jetboy)
Dark Castle - Mac, others (suggested by jetboy)
Lode Runner - Apple II, others (suggested by jetboy)
Radical Castle - Mac (suggested by jetboy) done on 16 August
Ray's Maze - Mac (suggested by jetboy)
Sceptres - Mac? (suggested by jetboy)
Exile - Mac, PC/Windows (unless you meant the action game, which was Amiga, Atari ST, and C64) (suggested by jetboy)
Last Edit: 13 years, 6 months ago by mossy_11.

Re: Retro Game of the Week suggestions/feedback thread 13 years, 10 months ago #1151

Is it possible to get this stickied?

Re:Retro Game of the Week suggestions/feedback thread 13 years, 10 months ago #1152

i'm interested in writing an article or two, though i'm not quite sure if my english is sufficient enough. i'll try to write something this week and if it's more than a few sentences, i'd be happy to contribute.

the first games that come to mind are gargoyle's quest on the gameboy and the battle of olympus on the nes.

Re:Retro Game of the Week suggestions/feedback thread 13 years, 10 months ago #1153

I wouldn't mind giving the Metal Gear series a bit of an examination. Perhaps a brief charter from MSX to PSX including NES ports etc. I'll get playing/replaying tonight!
Last Edit: 13 years, 10 months ago by dickmedd. Reason: Grammar!

Re:Retro Game of the Week suggestions/feedback thread 13 years, 10 months ago #1154

Joust should be the first one. I could help with the writing, like I said on the other topic.

Re:Retro Game of the Week suggestions/feedback thread 13 years, 10 months ago #1155

Well, some obvious ones would be: Mario, Sonic, Pacman,etc.
How about... X-Plane 1.0?

Re:Retro Game of the Week suggestions/feedback thread 13 years, 10 months ago #1157

I'm up for doing strange and obscure RPG and vintage stuff that might not have much exposure. Not sure we should lead with the unusual, although I may comment on the first few posts if there's anything that stands out as useful/unuseful from an entertainment technologist/analyst perspective.

Re: Retro Game of the Week suggestions/feedback thread 13 years, 10 months ago #1158

My favorite obscure game is the odd adventure game "Sanitarium."


It's got an overhead view (like an early 2000s RPG)... the only adventure game I've encountered like that. And it's really really wonderful and atmospheric.

But not so obscure any more... it's now available on Good Old Games!

Re: Retro Game of the Week suggestions/feedback thread 13 years, 10 months ago #1159

Well, the first post is up -- on Prince of Persia -- but I can't seem to get it to show above the MacScene Wants You article. I guess that serves me right for getting them both ready at the same time. EDIT: That's fixed now. Thanks Niemann.

Mungo, don't worry about your English skills (or the lack thereof) -- we'll edit your work before it goes live.

Anyone want to do next week's Retro Game of the Week? The plan is to have it up on Monday or Tuesday. If it's too soon for you guys, I'll do another one myself.
Last Edit: 13 years, 10 months ago by mossy_11.

Re: Retro Game of the Week suggestions/feedback thread 13 years, 10 months ago #1160

I'll do it. Do I have to pick the game myself or is there a vote?

Re: Retro Game of the Week suggestions/feedback thread 13 years, 10 months ago #1163

You can pick your game, but please tell me before you write the article, just in case it would be a problem.

I'll send you a PM with instructions for submission.

Re:Retro Game of the Week suggestions/feedback thread 13 years, 10 months ago #1164

I think I'll get cracking on a Metal Gear article. I won't have enough time to be able to bang it out ready for next week but I'll keep you posted with progress. If that's ok?

Re:Retro Game of the Week suggestions/feedback thread 13 years, 10 months ago #1165

dickmedd wrote:
I think I'll get cracking on a Metal Gear article. I won't have enough time to be able to bang it out ready for next week but I'll keep you posted with progress. If that's ok?

That'd be great. I'll put you down tentatively for the week after next, and we can confirm (or delay) your entry closer to the date. Let me know if you have any questions.

Just to be clear to anyone reading this thread late, jack59splat59 will be doing the article for next week. You're all welcome to state when you can/would like to take the reins for future weeks - in fact, that would be ideal, since then I could draft up a schedule.
Last Edit: 13 years, 10 months ago by mossy_11.

Re:Retro Game of the Week suggestions/feedback thread 13 years, 10 months ago #1166

I started writing the article today, it's been writing itself so it should be done by the weekend. I'll PM you in the next couple of days with a draft and you can let me know what you think, where it needs more detail, where I could cut back. I'll get some screenshots prepared too to illustrate some points. I've gone bloody Metal Gear crazy today

Re:Retro Game of the Week suggestions/feedback thread 13 years, 10 months ago #1168

ok, cool. I've sent you a PM with my email, since MacScene's PM system is not really suitable for passing around large slabs of text.

Re:Retro Game of the Week suggestions/feedback thread 13 years, 10 months ago #1176

Mossy... couldn't get the PM system working...


Hey mate, I'm keen to do some write-ups... not sure if there's demand, but a few games I've thought of are:
- King's Quest series (pick 1 of my favourites)
- Few random Amiga games I like/play regularly (Moonstone, Barbarian 2, Defender of the Crown, Giana Sisters, New Zealand Story, Phantasie III, Pirates, Zool, Zany Golf)
- Few old Apple 2/Mac games (Borrowed Time, Dark Castle, Lode Runner, Radical Castle, Ray's Maze, Sceptres, Exile...etc)

Not sure if there's any demand for these games, but you've got my number if you're interested


Re:Retro Game of the Week suggestions/feedback thread 13 years, 10 months ago #1177

Wow, that's a lot of games. As far as I'm concerned, they're all great -- the ones I haven't played I want to learn about; those I have played I'd love to revisit. But I can't speak for everyone else here.

Anyone desperate to see a write-up of one of jetboy's suggestions?

I've sent you a PM. Niemann is aware of the problem with the messaging system, and will fix it when he can.

For now, you can -- at least, I know I can -- still send PM's by going to a user's profile and clicking "send message" on the right side of the screen (below their avatar).

Re:Retro Game of the Week suggestions/feedback thread 13 years, 10 months ago #1178

Zany Golf.... PLEASE! I cannot get this damn game to work under emulation for the life of me. It boots an is playable, but controls eventually stop working and I lose too many balls.

This is, in my opinion, still the greatest mini golf game ever.

Re:Retro Game of the Week suggestions/feedback thread 13 years, 10 months ago #1179

Jetboy suggested some great games! Ray's Maze is very worthy, and Pirates would be fun because of all the different versions made. Even the newest iteration is really just an updated version of the original. It's barely a sequel at all.

I'd liked to contribute a write-up for something, but I'll be travelling for a month starting this Saturday, and will be busy catching up on work afterwards.

But yeah, expect me to contribute a write-up sometime. Just wait a few months!

Re:Retro Game of the Week suggestions/feedback thread 13 years, 10 months ago #1180

I hit you up let me know where ya want me!

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